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Christmas Recipes
We've harnessed the reindeer and loaded up the sleigh with the finest collection of
Christmas menus, recipes, baking hints and party tips possible! All that's left for
you to do is kick back with a cup of eggnog and plan this year's Christmas extra-
countdowns every day! Or just visit our main page for holiday recipes at ALL RECIPES...!!!
Christmas Cookie Jar
Here are the 50 best Christmas cookies. Plus, get
7 Tips for Freezing Cookies. Share your family
favorites on the Holiday Cookie Jar message board.
Or visit our main holiday recipes page at iVillage.
Holiday Recipes
Sean's Pumpkin Soup - is this a dessert?
Teri's Reindeer Sandwiches - Great for kids!
Christmas Wassail (spiced apple cider)
Thanks & Credit to "The Christmas Pages"
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All aboutKwanzaa
Delicious Traditions
Christmas and Kwanzaa are almost here, and New
Year's is hot on their heels! This season is all about
togetherness and tradition, and so many of our favorite
traditions and warm holiday memories are wrapped
up in food. Let us be your resource for all the party plan-
ning, menus, recipes, cooking hints and gift ideas you need
to make this season a little more joyful and a lot more
December 26, 2001 - January 1, 2002
During the last week of the year, many African Americans
celebrate a non-denominational holiday called Kwanzaa.
During the seven days of Kwanzaa, observers focus their
attention on rededicating themselves to the Seven Principles
designed to be a guide for relating to the past, understanding
the present, and living life as a strong community in the future!
More Christmas Recipes from AllRecepies
Check out links for Holidays Recipes
just around the corner! Visit our
holiday guides for all the hints,
recipes and inspiration you
need to make your parties,
gifts and dinners the best