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Christmas Spirit
Around the world, more than 3 billion people celebrate Christmas! Our goal is
to share the way we celebrate Christmas with people of all religions, cultures
and backgrounds. Christmas is ultimately about the the celebration of the birth
of Jesus and together we can enhance the celebration of the holiday season
for everyone.
Faith & Spirituality
Presented below is a collection of
items that reflect upon our Faith
and Spirituality during the holiday
The Origins of Christmas ~ Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus
Christ. Born nearly two thousand years ago, Christians believe Him to be
the Son of God.
Swept Up in Joy ~ "I remember absent-mindedly kneeling in the pew after
returning from communion. Lost in a haze, I focused not on the holiday or
the sacrament but on my fears about what the next few days would bring."
God's Impossible Truth ~ "How often during these days of holiday prepa-
rations do we hear people say, "This is what the season is all about!"
Maybe we say it ourselves: Through a misting of tears, perhaps, as we look
over our family gathered at the table. Or at the end of a well-sung Christmas
Christmas Prayer ~ "Christmas has never been my favorite time of year.
I've always experienced conflict between the zillions of things that I had
to do and the "silent night" of the shepherds."
History of Hannukah ~ "Hanukkah, or Chanukah, meaning
"dedication" in Hebrew, refers to the joyous eight-day celebration during
which Jews commemorate liberation and "rededication" of the Temple in
Jerusalem in 165 B.C.E. (Before Common Era). In 2003-2004, Hanukkah
begins on Saturday, December 20.
~brought to US by the folks at CHRISTMAS.COM~